It was sunday morning (first week of holidays) and we got ready,we were on our way to church.After church I played with my cousin there.After that we went home and my mum went to pick up my nana.When she came back with my nana she had some chocolate from America that my aunt had sent to my other aunty for all us cousins to eat.I shared with my niece and my brother.We were off to see my brother’s newborn baby,we were at G.I ( Glen Innes ). When we got there my other niece was there.
“ come see my baby sister! “ shouted my niece. WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! Barked my brother’s girlfriend’s Dog.
We walked in and the baby was in her little cot.The mum took her out and gave her to me.She felt as soft as a puppy’s fur with her blanket on.We were all surprised that she had a lot of hair because she was just a newborn baby.After we gave her the baby’s gift and she thought it was really cute.
On the last week of the holidays I went to my aunty’s house, my nana would look after me and my cousins while their parents went to work and didn’t come back till 5 or 6. It was Tuesday morning bright and early, the tv is playing while some of us are still sleeping. We have breakfast a few minutes later, we had toast and a cup of tea. It’s basically boring as the clock tick tocks and we stare at the wall like nothing.
Next morning we woke up and did same thing that we did yesterday, except we decided that we didn’t want to stay all week inside so we decided to walk to the park because it was close to the house. I went with my cousins and my nana,it wasn’t really a park to me to be honest.When we got there, there was a two set swing and a 2 set slide,a seesaw and a little car ride.We played until 1 and then we hit the gaps home.When we got home we played on the trampoline.
A few day later……
It was Saturday morning and I realised I was no longer at my aunty’s house I was at my nana’s house.
“Ana!” shouted my aunty
I went to my aunty and she was holding my baby cousin.She was crying and I had to hold her.She settled down and she started laughing.1 hour later we had breakfast,had a shower and got ready.We were off to the market in Mangere and we bought stuff for our family gathering.Soon we went to maccas and had lunch.We went home and watched T.V, while my aunty cooked for our family meeting.I fell asleep because I was tired throughout the day.
It was 7:00 at night and all our family was at our house.We had our family meeting first,after that we had a prayer and we all ate.There was heaps of food that my aunties and uncle had cooked.
And that comes to the end of my holidays,I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Hi my name is Morgan I think you did very well. Keep up the good work!